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European Choir Games – Workshop

Sunday, 4 August 2019

Austria, Germany and Latvia were already hosts for one of the most prestigious European choir competitions, the European Choir Games. In 2019 the 4th edition of the event will once again take place and explore a new destination: Sweden – nation of choristers!

Singers from all over the world are invited to join, compete and celebrate a grand festival of choral music in Sweden at the Grand Prix of Nations Gothenburg 2019 & 4th European Choir Games.

One of the events taking place during the Choir Games is a singing workshop – Meet the composer: John Rutter introduces his music.

John Rutter is one of the best known, and most in demand contemporary British choral composer, whose works are performed widely throughout the world. In this 90-minute session everyone will have a chance to sing and get to know some of his choral pieces, sacred and secular. John will speak about the music and offer hints and tips for performance.


Fågelsången 1
412 56 Gothenburg



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