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When Icicles Hang

Accompanied; SATB

A cycle of choral settings with words by Campion, Shakespeare, and anon.

Winter nights
Good ale
Blow, blow thou winter wind
Winter wakeneth all my care
Hay, ay

Full scores and orchestral parts are available to hire at the OUP link below.

Orchestration: 2 fl (II+picc), 2 ob, 2 cl, bn, 2 hn, 2 tpt, 2 perc (glock, xylo, sus cym, tri, vib, SD, cym, BD(opt)), hpcd or pn, hp, str

Good ale and Blow, blow, thou winter wind are available separately.


Buy from OUPJohn's music is available to buy or hire from OUP (or other publisher), but not directly from this site. Click this button to link straight to the relevant page for this piece on their site.


Duration: 19 minutes
Difficulty: Easy, Moderately Difficult
Published: 15 May 1975
ISBN: 9780193380738
Also available as digital sheet music

This piece on disc

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