A Banquet of Voices £9.00
$11.91 Guide price
The Cambridge Singers
John Rutter (conductor)
Helen Gough (baroque cello)
William Hunt (violone)
Wayne Marshall (chamber organ)
A Banquet of Voices
A sumptuous programme of music for multiple choirs with the dazzling Tallis 40-part motet Spem in alium nunquam habui as the centrepiece.
This is a re-release of the classic Cambridge Singers recording, using modern digital sound restoration, allowing the music to be heard in its full sonic splendour.
Alongside Gloria and several of Rutter’s most popular shorter pieces (including For the Beauty of the Earth and All things Bright and Beautiful), are pieces especially recorded for this release – Cantate Domino, Arise, Shine, Wedding Canticle and Hymn to the Creator of Light.
Be thou my vision £9.00
$11.91 Guide price
The Cambridge Singers | City of London Sinfonia
John Rutter (conductor)
Be thou my vision
Gathered from across the Collegium catalogue, Be thou my vision includes all of the sacred choral pieces for which Rutter is justly famous, representing for the first time a handy compendium of the best-loved Rutter works in their definitive performances by the Cambridge Singers, directed by the composer.
A Song in Season £14.00
$18.53 Guide price
The Cambridge Singers | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
John Rutter (conductor)
A Song in Season
A collection of Rutter’s festival canticles, anthems and motets composed in the 21st century and encompassing the seasons of the liturgical year. Includes Look to the Day, composed for Cancer Research UK, and the popular harvest anthem Look at the World.
The Gift of Life £14.00
$18.53 Guide price
The Cambridge Singers | Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
John Rutter (conductor)
The Gift of Life
The Gift of Life, is a six-movement choral celebration of the living earth, of creation, and of life itself, offering a kaleidoscope of moods from contemplative and prayerful to majestic and inspirational.
The Sprig of Thyme £9.00
$11.91 Guide price
The Cambridge Singers | City of London Sinfonia
John Rutter (conductor)
The Sprig of Thyme
The Sprig of Thyme offers a selection of traditional songs of the British Isles, with long-standing favourites as Willow Song and The Miller of Dee and lesser known gems as O Can Ye Sew Cushions and The Sprig of Thyme. The album includes many new settings for choir and small instrumental group by John Rutter.
This is the day £14.00
$18.53 Guide price
The Cambridge Singers | Aurora Orchestra
John Rutter (conductor)
This is the day
Inspired by the royal wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge in 2011, this album highlights music commissioned or chosen by the Royal Family for their own weddings, funerals and anniversaries during the lifetime of Queen Elizabeth II.
Visions and Requiem £14.00
$18.53 Guide price
The Cambridge Singers | Choristers of the Temple Church | Aurora Orchestra | Kerson Leong (violin)
John Rutter (conductor)
Visions and Requiem
John Rutter’s Visions is a four-movement showpiece for solo violin, string orchestra, harp and choir of treble voices, based on the theme of Jerusalem, the Holy City of prophetic imaginations. Alongside it, the Cambridge Singers take advantage of 30 years of technology advancement and revisit his immensely popular Requiem.
Fauré: Requiem and other sacred music £9.00
$11.91 Guide price
The Cambridge Singers | City of London Sinfonia
John Rutter (conductor)
Fauré: Requiem and other sacred music
The Gramophone Award-winning 1984 recording of Fauré’s Requiem. The first-ever performance on disc of the work in its intimate original version – re-discovered by Rutter in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris after a century – it remains one of the jewels in the crown of the Collegium catologue.
Classical Tranquillity £7.00
$9.27 Guide price
John Rutter (conductor)
Manchester Camerata (orchestra)
Classical Tranquillity
John Rutter writes . . . Tranquillity is a state of mind. You might be more likely to describe a favourite countryside scene rather than a person as ‘tranquil’, but you are really describing the effect it has on you. You feel calm, serene, still, at peace, relaxed, untroubled, chilled-out . . . perhaps we… Read more »