Sing, ye Heavens
Hymns for all time
The Cambridge Singers | City of London Sinfonia
John Rutter (conductor)
CD: £14.00
$18.53 Guide price
CD booklet
Click on a track for an audio sample:
Sing, ye Heavens is an inspiring album of 21 hymns spanning 15 centuries of the history of Christian Europe, and including the world première of a new hymn by John Rutter himself, Eternal God.
Reflecting the immense riches of hymnody built up over centuries, this notably eclectic survey sees Gregorian Chant rubbing shoulders with German chorales, Celtic folk melodies alongside 18th-century London street songs – albeit from an Anglican perspective. The arrangements range from delicate accompaniment of the harp to thrilling festival treatments with brass, timpani, percussion and organ.
An audio learning guide for Amazing grace is available from ChoirGuides
Track list
- O God, our help in ages past (Croft)
- The King of love my Shepherd is (arr. Rutter)
- A mighty fortress is our God (Luther)
- Veni, Creator Spiritus (Gregorian chant)
- Lo! he comes with clouds descending (arr. Rutter)
- Love Divine, all loves excelling (R.H. Prichard)
- Pange lingua (Gregorian chant)
- Let all mortal flesh keep silence (arr. Rutter)
- Vexilla Regis (Gregorian chant)
- Drop, drop, slow tears (Gibbons)
- When I survey the wondrous Cross (E. Miller)
- Christ the Lord is risen today (arr. Rutter)
- Be thou my vision (arr. Rutter)
- All things bright and beautiful (arr. Rutter)
- Morning has broken (arr. Rutter)
- Amazing grace (arr. Rutter)
- We plough the fields, and scatter (J.A.P. Schulz)
- Glory to thee, my God, this night (Tallis)
- The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended (C.C. Scholefield)
- Eternal God (Rutter)
- Christ is made the sure Foundation (Purcell)
“An excellent choir … fortified by some splendid players” Gramophone
“You don’t need to be a church-goer or, indeed, at all religiously inclined to be uplifted by the wonderful music; proof that the devil certainly doesn’t have all the good tunes.” Classic FM
“It’s good to have the clean-vowelled, fresh-voiced Cambridge Singers back in action with composer John Rutter demonstrating once again his considerable talents as a choral director.”
“Sing, Ye Heavens (Record of the month), a moving and stirring collection of 21 hymns sung by the Cambridge Singers under John Rutter… offers a wide variety of musical textures, from the simplicity of Veni, Creator Spiritus (a Gregorian chant) to the thunderous Lo! He comes with clouds descending (with organ and brass ensemble). Rutter’s arrangements are compelling, the recording and the presentation first class. You don’t need to be a church-goer or, indeed, at all religiously inclined to be uplifted by the wonderful music; proof that the devil certainly doesn’t have all the good tunes.” Classic FM
“I have just spent a splendid hour and a quarter listening to this brand new release. John Rutter has compiled a collection of twenty-one”Hymns for all Time” – under the title”Sing, ye Heavens”. My conscience tells me that I must admit that at first glance it didn’t seem a particularly enticing CD but I was proved completely wrong and am happy to say so…
The Cambridge Singers are magnificent. Their diction is impeccable and they have subtlety and refinement as well as power when called on. How refreshing to hear a choir singing with spirit and not in the prissy, mannered style that so often typifies Church singing in this country. The recording is full and clear and the big acoustic and reverberation add to the appeal. The organ, harp and the Brass playing give excellent support on this splendid CD. Whatever one ‘s views on religion today, our culture would be losing something irreplaceable if the tunes and words, so closely wedded as they are, from this great mass of material in our country’s traditions and national psyche were allowed to wither away. A very warm welcome for a fine disc…” MusicWeb International
“This album will delight the confirmed hymn enthusiast, provided he or she doesn’t insist on the pure, as-written product. Rutter’s reworkings range from the bold and brassy (occasionally deliciously over the top (what would Martin Luther have thought of the naughtinesses in A mighty fortress is our God?) to those of harp-accompanied simplicity, not least in the charming lines of Be thou my vision. Several tasteful descants are models of their kind.”
Printed music featured on this disc
- Lo! he comes with clouds descending
- The day thou gavest
- A mighty fortress is our God
- Glory to thee, my God, this night
- O God, our help in ages past
- We plough the fields, and scatter
- The king of love my shepherd is
- Christ is made the sure foundation
- Eternal God
- Morning has broken
- Christ the Lord is risen today
- When I survey the wondrous cross
- Let all mortal flesh keep silence
- Amazing Grace
- Be thou my vision (Slane)
- Love Divine, all loves excelling