How did the Cambridge Singers come along?
Author Archive: John Rutter
War and Peace – but not by Tolstoy
The arts are resilient and do not disappear in wartime. If anything, they assume greater importance than in times of peace.
Why I created ChoirGuides
ChoirGuides helps singers learn their voice parts and make virtual recordings.
ChoirGuides is Out Now
We’re delighted to announce that our new choral learning aid, ChoirGuides, is out now!
Did they mention the music?
Reflections on a royal funeral from a musician’s-eye view.
‘These talking pictures will never catch on’
Thoughts on 2020 and the year ahead.
A musical thank-you
Behind the scenes at the premiere of ‘Joseph’s Carol’, dedicated to the Oxford vaccine team.
Reasons to be cheerful
You don’t always fully appreciate a gift until it is taken away.
From my window
Extraordinary times, like nothing most of us have ever experienced.
Church and Composers
Thoughts about composing music for Christian communities today.