- A Choral Fanfare
- A Clare Benediction (SA and Men)
- A Clare Benediction (SATB)
- A Clare Benediction (unison)
- A Clare Benediction (upper voices)
- A Crown of Glory
- A Dedication and an Amen
- A flower remembered (SATB)
- A flower remembered (upper voices)
- A Gaelic Blessing
- A Gaelic Blessing
- A Gaelic Blessing
- A Gaelic Blessing (‘Deep peace’)
- A mighty fortress is our God
- A Prayer of Saint Patrick
- A Ukrainian Prayer
- All bells in paradise
- All Creatures of our God and King
- All Himmelsglocken (All bells in paradise)
- All my hope on God is founded
- All the stars looked down
- All things bright and beautiful (Royal Oak)
- All things bright and beautiful (SATB)
- All things bright and beautiful (unison/upper voices)
- Allegri: Miserere (ed. John Rutter)
- Amazing Grace
- Angels’ Carol (SATB)
- Angels’ Carol (upper voices)
- Anthems and Choral Songs for upper-voice choirs
- Arise, shine
- As the bridegroom to his chosen
- Ave Maria
- Away in a manger
- Bach: Lobet den Herrn, alle Heiden (ed. John Rutter)
- Bang!
- Banquet Fugue
- Battle Hymn of the Republic
- Be not afeard
- Be thou my vision
- Be thou my vision (Slane)
- Behold, the tabernacle of God
- Birthday Madrigals
- Blake’s Lullaby
- Blick auf den Tag (Look to the day)
- Blow, blow, thou winter wind
- Blow, blow, thou winter wind
- Borodin: Polovtsian Dances from Prince Igor (ed. John Rutter)
- Brahms: Geistliches Lied, Op. 30 (ed. John Rutter)
- Brahms: Vier Lieder aus dem Jungbrunnen (ed. John Rutter)
- Brother Heinrich’s Christmas – condensed score
- Bruckner: Christus factus est (ed. John Rutter)
- Bruckner: Locus iste (ed. John Rutter)
- Buxtehude: Magnificat (ed. John Rutter)
- Caldara: Crucifixus (ed. John Rutter)
- Candlelight Carol (SATB)
- Candlelight Carol (upper voices)
- Cantate Domino
- Canticle of Thanksgiving
- Canticles of America
- Cantique de Jean Racine (SATB)
- Cantique de Jean Racine (SSAA)
- Cantus
- Carol of the Children
- Carol of the Magi
- Carols for Choirs 2
- Carols for Choirs 3
- Carols for Choirs 4
- Carols for Choirs 6
- Celebration
- Child in a manger
- Christ is made the sure foundation
- Christ is the morning star
- Christ our Emmanuel
- Christ the Lord is risen again
- Christ the Lord is risen today
- Christiana Canticles
- Christmas Bells
- Christmas Lullaby (SATB)
- Christmas Lullaby (upper voices)
- Christmas Motets (ed. John Rutter)
- Christmas Night
- Christus Immanuel (Christ our Emmanuel)
- Come down, O Love divine
- Come live with me
- Communion Service – ASB Rite A/RC ICEL text
- Cradle Song
- Creation’s Alleluia
- Eight Christmas Carols Set 1
- Eight Christmas Carols Set 2
- Ein jegliches hat seine Stunde (To every thing there is a season)
- Eine englische Segnung (A Clare Benediction)
- El Noi de la Mare (Carol of the Gifts)
- Elegy and Festive Bells
- Eleven Gregorian Chants (ed. John Rutter)
- Elgar: They are at rest (ed. John Rutter)
- Engels-Carol (Angels’ Carol)
- English Church Music, Volume 1: Anthems and Motets (ed. Robert King and John Rutter)
- English Church Music, Volume 2: Canticles and Responses (ed. Robert King and John Rutter)
- Es ist ein’ Ros’ entsprungen
- Es ist ein’ Ros’ entsprungen
- Esta noche (Be joyful tonight)
- Eternal God
- Eternal source of light divine
- European Sacred Music (ed. John Rutter)
- Fancies
- Farrant and Hilton: Lord, for thy tender mercy’s sake (ed. John Rutter)
- Fauré: In Paradisum from Requiem (ed. John Rutter)
- Fauré: Introit and Kyrie from Requiem (ed. John Rutter)
- Fauré: Libera me from Requiem (ed. John Rutter)
- Fauré: Requiem (1893 version) (ed. John Rutter)
- Fauré: Sanctus from Requiem (ed. John Rutter)
- Feel the Spirit
- Fiddler Man
- Five Childhood Lyrics
- Five Meditations for Orchestra
- Five Traditional Songs
- Flemish Carol
- Folk-Songs for Choirs 1
- Folk-Songs for Choirs 2 (ed. John Rutter)
- For the beauty of the earth (SA)
- For the beauty of the earth (SATB)
- For the beauty of the earth (TTBB)
- Franck: Panis angelicus (ed. John Rutter)
- Führ, sanftes Licht (Lead, kindly light)
- Für die Schönheit in der Welt (For the beauty of the earth)
- Geistliche Chorgesänge von John Rutter (Sacred Choral Songs by John Rutter)
- Give me wings
- Give the king thy judgements, O God
- Gloria
- Gloria 1 (first movement)
- Glory to thee, my God, this night
- Go forth into the world in peace
- Go, tell it on the mountain
- God be in my head (SATB)
- God be in my head (TTBB)
- God be in my head (upper voices)
- God is here
- Good ale
- Gott segne und behüt dich (The Lord bless you and keep you)
- Gott sei stets in mir
- Grieg: Ave maris stella (ed. John Rutter)
- I am with you always
- I believe in springtime
- I my Best-Beloved’s am
- I saw three ships
- I sing of a maiden
- I sing of a maiden
- I too shall walk to Bethlehem
- I will lift up mine eyes
- I will sing with the spirit (SATB)
- I will sing with the spirit (upper voices)
- I will worship the Lord
- I wish you Christmas
- I wonder as I wander
- I would be true
- In dulci jubilo (Pearsall, ed. John Rutter)
- In the bleak midwinter – Harold Darke, arr. John Rutter
- Infant holy, infant lowly
- It was a lover and his lass (SATBarB)
- It was a lover and his lass (upper voices)
- Jesus Child – two-part
- Jesus Child (SATB)
- Jesus Child (unison)
- John IV of Portugal: Crux fidelis (ed. John Rutter)
- John Rutter Anthems (SATB)
- John Rutter Anthems for SA&Men
- John Rutter Carols
- John Rutter Carols for SA and Men
- John Rutter Choral Works for TTBB Voices
- Joseph’s Carol
- Joy to the World (collection)
- Joy to the world!
- Joy to the world! (‘Handelian’ version)
- La Berceuse (French Lullaby)
- Lament for the Holy City (flute and piano)
- Lament for the Holy City (violin and piano)
- Lead, kindly light
- Lead, kindly Light
- Let all mortal flesh keep silence
- Let us go in peace
- Let’s begin again
- Lo, how a Rose e’er blooming
- Lo! he comes with clouds descending
- London Town
- Look at the world
- Look to the day
- Lord make me an instrument of thy peace
- Lord of Dance (unison voices)
- Lord of the Dance (SATB)
- Lord, thou hast been our refuge
- Lotti: Crucifixus a 8 (ed. John Rutter)
- Love came down at Christmas
- Love Divine, all loves excelling
- Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
- Madrigals and Partsongs (ed. Clifford Bartlett. Series Editor: John Rutter)
- Magical Kingdom
- Magnificat
- Mary’s Lullaby (SATB)
- Mary’s Lullaby (SSAA)
- Mascagni: Easter Hymn from Cavalleria Rusticana (ed. John Rutter)
- Mass of the Children
- Mendelssohn: Heilig (ed. John Rutter)
- Mendelssohn: Verleih uns Frieden (ed. John Rutter)
- Missa Brevis
- Monteverdi: Beatus vir (ed. John Rutter)
- Monteverdi: Gloria a 7 (ed. John Rutter)
- Morning has broken
- Most glorious Lord of life
- Mozart: Ave verum corpus (ed. John Rutter)
- Music for the Holy Eucharist – Rite II
- Musica Dei donum (vocal score)
- Musik ist stets bei Dir (The Music’s Always There With You)
- My soul doth magnify the Lord (Magnificat)
- My true love hath my heart
- Myn lyking (Terry, ed. John Rutter)
- O be joyful in the Lord
- O clap your hands
- O come, all ye faithful (Adeste fideles)
- O come, O come, Immanuel
- O give thanks unto the Lord
- O God, our help in ages past
- O Holy Night
- O Holy Night (collection)
- O how amiable are thy dwellings
- O Lord, thou hast searched me out
- O mistress mine
- O praise the Lord of heaven
- O Tannenbaum
- O waly, waly
- Of a Rose, a lovely Rose
- Palestrina: Stabat mater (ed. John Rutter)
- Parry: I was glad when they said unto me (ed. John Rutter)
- Partita for Orchestra
- Past three a clock
- Personent hodie
- Pie Jesu (from Requiem)
- Praise the Lord, O my soul
- Praise to the Lord, the Almighty (ed. John Rutter)
- Praise ye the Lord
- Psalm 150
- Psalmfest
- Puccini: Humming Chorus from Madama Butterfly (ed. John Rutter)
- Purcell: Hear my prayer (ed. John Rutter)
- Sacred Choruses
- Sans Day Carol
- Schau auf die Welt (Look at the world)
- Schau auf die Welt (Look at the world)
- Schubert: Psalm 23 – The Lord is my Shepherd (ed. John Rutter)
- Seeds grow to plants
- Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
- Shepherd’s Pipe Carol (SATB)
- Shepherd’s Pipe Carol (solo with piano)
- Shepherd’s Pipe Carol (SSAA)
- Shepherd’s Pipe Carol (unison and descant)
- Shepherd’s Pipe Carol (unison)
- Sheppard: Libera nos, salva nos (ed. John Rutter)
- Silent Night (accompanied)
- Silent Night (unaccompanied)
- Sing we to this merry company
- Skylark
- Soldier Boy
- Somerset Wassail
- Stanford: Magnificat, Op. 164 (ed. John Rutter)
- Stanford: O for a closer walk with God (ed. John Rutter)
- Stanford: Quick! We have but a second (ed. John Rutter)
- Stanford: When Mary thro’ the garden went (ed. John Rutter)
- Star Carol (SATB)
- Star Carol (unison)
- Sternen-Carol (Star Carol)
- Still, still, still
- Suite Antique
- Suite for Strings
- Suite Lyrique
- Suzi’s Carol
- Sweelinck: Hodie Christus natus est (ed. John Rutter)
- Tchaikovsky, Verdi, Wagner: Three Opera Choruses for upper voices (ed. John Rutter)
- Te Deum
- Te lucis ante terminum
- The British Grenadiers
- The Colours of Christmas (SATB)
- The Colours of Christmas (upper voices)
- The coming of our king
- The day thou gavest
- The Falcon
- The Gift of Charity
- The gift of each day
- The Gift of Life
- The Gift of Music
- The Heavenly Aeroplane (SA)
- The Heavenly Aeroplane (SATB)
- The holly and the ivy
- The John Rutter Christmas Piano Album
- The John Rutter Piano Album
- The Jolly Shepherd
- The King of Blis
- The king of love my shepherd is
- The Lord bless you and keep you (SA and Men)
- The Lord bless you and keep you (SATB)
- The Lord bless you and keep you (upper voices)
- The Lord is my light and my salvation
- The Lord is my shepherd
- The Music’s Always There With You
- The Owl and the Pussy-cat
- The Peace of God
- The Peace of God (SSA)
- The Piper of Hamelin
- The Quest
- The Reluctant Dragon
- The Sprig of Thyme
- The Terrible Tale of Tom Gilligan
- The Twelve Days of Christmas
- The very best time of year (SATB)
- The very best time of year (SATTBB)
- The Wild Wood Carol
- The Wind in the Willows (condensed score)
- There is a flower
- This is the Day
- This is the house of God
- Three American Miniatures (Flute and Clarinet)
- Three Carols (SS and SSA)
- Three Choral Amens
- Three folk-songs for upper voices from The Sprig of Thyme
- Three Kings of Orient
- Three Old English Carols (ed. John Rutter)
- Three Shakespeare Songs
- Thy perfect love
- To every thing there is a season
- Toccata in 7
- Toccata in Seven
- Tomorrow shall be my dancing day
- Twas in the moon of wintertime
- Twelve Christmas Carols Set 1
- Twelve Christmas Carols Set 2
- Two American Folk Songs: Sourwood Mountain and Black Sheep
- Two folk-songs for male voices from The Sprig of Thyme
- Two Songs from Five Childhood Lyrics
- Variations on an Easter Theme
- Veni Sancte Spiritus
- Verdi: Anvil Chorus from Il trovatore (ed. John Rutter)
- Verdi: Brindisi (ed. John Rutter)
- Verdi: Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Nabucco (ed. John Rutter)
- Verdi: Triumphal Scene (Grand March) from Aida (ed. John Rutter)
- Victoria: Ave Maria (ed. John Rutter)
- Victoria: O magnum mysterium (ed. John Rutter)
- Visions
- Wagner: Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin (ed. John Rutter)
- Was I the lamb?
- We have a strong city
- We plough the fields, and scatter
- We wish you a merry Christmas
- We wish you a merry Christmas
- Wedding Canticle
- Weihnachtslieder von John Rutter (John Rutter Carols)
- Welch süß’re Klänge (What sweeter music)
- Wells Jubilate
- Wexford Carol
- What sweeter music (SATB)
- What sweeter music (upper voices)
- When daisies pied
- When I survey the wondrous cross
- When Icicles Hang
- When music sounds
- When the Saints go marching in
- Whyte: Christe, qui lux es et dies (ed. John Rutter)
- Wiegenlied zu Weihnachten (Christmas Lullaby)
- Winchester Te Deum
- Wings of the Morning
- With heart and hands
- Wood: Hail, gladdening Light (ed. John Rutter)